#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – The Black Eye

Wordless Wednesday is live on thehealthymoms.net and talbertzoo.com. Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post.

My kids are growing. When they grow they get clumsy.  A couple of days ago, Little Bear walked right into the doorknob. Now he has this big shiner on his eye.  Oops! Do your kids get clumsy when they grow? Have they ever accidentally hurt themselves?

If you are participating in Wordless Wednesday scroll down and leave your link. Thanks for visiting!

I am so sorry that I haven’t been commenting on your blogs as much as I usually do. I still have my feed reader, but I lack the time to comment as I used to. I am still struggling with time management. It is especially difficult when the kids are home for the summer. I save all my comments in my e mail so I am able to reply and comment back when I get the free time. My kids start school on August 26. I will then return to blogging for 5-6 hours a day instead of 2-3.  Watch out! If you are listed as one of the friends of the Talbert Zoo I will be bombarding your blog with comments once my kids start school.

Visit these great blogs where Talbert Zoo links up each week.

Glimmer of Hope

Rules of this #BlogHop

  • Grab our new button on your blog so I know that you are linking up here.
  • Add your Wordless Wednesday Link
  • Leave me a comment so I can visit your blog.
  • Visit the other blogs linking up.

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