I am Back to Blogging – Happy New Year 2018

I am back! After taking a year off to finish writing my book I am finally back to updating this blog and writing articles for my online magazine, The Healthy Moms Magazine. My manuscript is complete and it is currently going through the editing process. I  will let all of you know when it will be published as soon as I can. I am excited, relieved and nervous about getting my first book published. If it is a success there will be more to come. What have we been up…

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Weekend Reflection #40 We are Going to the Moon

This was first posted to the Healthy Moms Magazine on January 11, 2009. Back then I was a mother of three children ages 11, 3 and 1. The Talbert family lived in Sacramento, CA in 2009.   I’m sorry I’m posting this late. This week was pretty busy. I actually stuck with my work plan and blogged for 5-6 hours each day. I saw my traffic go up as a result. Now I know what I need to do to increase my readership on this blog. But, yesterday I decided to…

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Apple Juice – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday

This is how a 10-year-old drinks apple juice. She’s a silly girl! xx Visit these great blogs for more Wordless Wednesdays.           Rules of this #BlogHop Grab our button for your blog so I know that you are linking up here. Add your Wordless Wednesday Link Leave me a comment so I can visit your blog. Visit the other blogs linking up. An InLinkz Link-up Check out these great blogs that participate in Wordless Wednesday each week. RCH ReviewsCrafty Allie BlogImage-in-ingKitty PartayAgent Mystery Case-Where Am I…

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Ponies – #WordlessWednesday with #Linky on a Tuesday

Wordless Wednesday is live on healthymomsmagazine.net and talbertzoo.com. Link up to yourWordless Wednesday post. Kitty loves My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and has been watching the show ever since it premiered on October 10, 2010.  Today, she has quite the collection of ponies.  Most of them are still in boxes from our last move, but she has managed to display several of them in her bedroom. Do your kids watch cartoons? What is their favorite cartoon? If you are participating in Wordless Wednesday scroll down and leave your link. Thanks…

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Sunshine Sparkle

Kitty is a dreamer. She reaches for the stars and sets high expectations for herself. I love her confidence and determination. It reminds me of myself. She has been playing the guitar for nearly a year now and is turning out to be a dedicated and talented musician. Again, a likeness of myself (I play the flute). But, Kitty has another dream and I am trying my best to help her reach for it. I believe using positive reinforcement and compliments will help boost our children’s self confidence and they…

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Online Friendships – Labor Day Weekend Disaster

This post is going to be a two part. My blogging bud, Lauren Becker from Shooting Stars Mag has challenged fellow bloggers to write about their experience with online friendships. Lauren talks about a Netflix film and book called “Another Girl,” which is essentially about online friendships.  I’ve been a blogger for 8 years now, wow it’s been that long, so I’ve had many experiences with online friendships. The second part is all about the disaster that happend this past weekend. Online Friendships During my early stages of blogging back…

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This Week At the Zoo

It’s time to update this blog once again. Little Bear is taking a nap and the rest of the kids are at school. I’m sitting in my favorite spot on the comfy brown chair, with my soft brown blanket on my lap and Fox News on the television in front of me.  This is my happy spot. The place where I go to think about my day, relax, drink my coffee in the morning and drink my glass of wine in the evening.  This week has been unseasonably cool here…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – Sibling Love

Wordless Wednesday is live on thehealthymoms.net and talbertzoo.com. Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post.When I asked Kitty and Parrot to pose for a photo this is what they came up with. Rules of this #BlogHop Place my button on your blog so I know that you are linking up here. Add your Wordless Wednesday Link Leave me a comment so I can visit your blog. Visit the other blogs linking up. An InLinkz Link-up ANGRY ORANGE Pet Odor Eliminator for Strong Odor – Citrus Deodorizer for Strong Dog or…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – The Many Faces of Kitty

Wordless Wednesday is live on thehealthymoms.net and talbertzoo.com. Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post.This morning I realized that I didn’t have any good photos on my phone for Wordless Wednesday this week. So, I told my nine-year-old to pose for some pictures.  In her cute, creative and entertaining way she came up with this. Rules of this #BlogHop Place my button on your blog so I know that you are linking up here. Add your Wordless Wednesday Link Leave me a comment so I can visit your blog. Visit…

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Kitty’s Birthday in Photos

I’m sorry I haven’t updated this blog that often this month. February has had a busy start for the Talbert Zoo and I’ve fallen behind on my posts. Kitty turned nine on January 31 and we had a huge party over here for her. I’m not going to share the photos from the party because we had about 20 kids over here. In order to protect the identities of the other children it will take me a long, long time to edit all the faces in those photos. Instead I…

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