Special Needs Moms Need Your Support

Special Needs Moms Need Your Support The birth of a child with a disability can have profound effects on a family. It can alter expectations, create new roles and change the way a family functions. Parents and family members need to be informed and involved in planning services for their children with disabilities. They also need to know that they have rights. 1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The parents of children with disabilities are often in need of both emotional and practical support. The former can be…

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Raising Special Needs Children

Raising Special Needs Children Nothing can prepare parents for the challenges of raising a special needs child. Most of the regular child-raising issues still apply, but there are also many things that will be unique to the situation. Adding to these unique considerations is the emotional component that must not be overlooked. Families must recognize their personal stress levels and consider parental self-compassion as a necessary part of family-focused care. 1. Know Your Child’s Needs When your child has special needs, you will have more than the typical parenting worries…

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Catholic Parenting – Tuesday Tip: Disciplining With Love

Catholic Parenting – Tuesday Tip: Disciplining With Love Catholic parents are often frustrated by the number of kids who don’t share their faith. In one survey, Catholics recorded the lowest enthusiasm for passing on their religion out of any Christian group. The Church teaches that parents are bound to teach their children. This includes educating them on their faith, and it also involves establishing clear boundaries. 1. Discipline with Love Whether you think your parenting style is permissive or authoritarian, it’s always a good idea to learn how to discipline…

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How Stuffed Animals Can Help Children With Autism

How Stuffed Animals Can Help Children With Autism

Every parent knows how challenging it can be to find something their child with autism adores. Fortunately, stuffed animals are one item that can make them happy. There are many benefits of your child having a cuddly pal. For example, stuffed animals can offer safe, sensory-friendly playtime and encourage the development of social skills. Together, let’s go through how stuffed animals can help children with autism to see if a stuffed, fluffy friend will benefit your little one. What’s a Sensory Toy? A stuffed animal is a prime example of…

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How to Help a Child With Special Needs

When To Seek Professional Help for a Child’s Mental Health

How to Help a Child With Special Needs Every child needs love and encouragement, but kids with disabilities need those things even more. Sometimes, their behavior issues can stem from basic needs such as hunger, sleeplessness, or discomfort. Parents of children with disabilities also have to deal with raised eyebrows and judgmental glances. They need superior communication skills and confidence to advocate for their child. Know Your Child’s Unique Needs Children learn at different rates and in a variety of ways. Some children have physical or intellectual disabilities, while others…

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Warning Signs of Teen Suicide

Warning Signs of Teen Suicide Whether your teen is having trouble in school, dealing with a breakup or struggling with peer pressure, it’s important to recognize the warning signs of suicide. Teens who are thinking about suicide often give their loved ones and trusted friends signs they are struggling. As a parent, teacher or friend, it’s your job to pick up on these warning signs and get help. 1. Changes in personality or behavior If your teen or young adult suddenly shows impulsive, unusual behavior, this may be indicative of…

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Can Aromatherapy Help Kids With Special Needs?

Can Aromatherapy Help Kids With Special Needs?

Aromatherapy is among the most popular health and wellness trends, with many people incorporating it into their daily lives. But can aromatherapy help kids with special needs? We answer that question and more below. Aromatherapy, Explained Before we get into aromatherapy and children, what does aromatherapy mean? Aromatherapy is a word that gets thrown around a lot in health and wellness, but it’s definitionally using essential oils from plants for mental and physical healing. Essential oils and aromatherapy have exploded in popularity over the past decade, as many people use…

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