Special Needs Moms Need Your Support

Special Needs Moms Need Your Support The birth of a child with a disability can have profound effects on a family. It can alter expectations, create new roles and change the way a family functions. Parents and family members need to be informed and involved in planning services for their children with disabilities. They also need to know that they have rights. 1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The parents of children with disabilities are often in need of both emotional and practical support. The former can be…

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Raising Special Needs Children

Raising Special Needs Children Nothing can prepare parents for the challenges of raising a special needs child. Most of the regular child-raising issues still apply, but there are also many things that will be unique to the situation. Adding to these unique considerations is the emotional component that must not be overlooked. Families must recognize their personal stress levels and consider parental self-compassion as a necessary part of family-focused care. 1. Know Your Child’s Needs When your child has special needs, you will have more than the typical parenting worries…

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Helping Children With Special Needs

A solitary piece of written composition forming an independent part of a publication, such as a newspaper or magazine. Provide positive role models with disabilities such as Nobel Prize winning geneticist Carol Greider (learning disability), film director Steven Spielberg and animal scientist Temple Grandin (autistic spectrum disorder). This will inspire students to think, “If they can do it, I can too.” It is also important to offer the right strategy training and accommodations. Find out what they’re good at. It’s important for special needs people to be treated with kindness,…

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Advantages of an Accessible Van for Special Needs Children

Advantages of an Accessible Van for Special Needs Children

The lack of proper accommodation in regular vehicles can be a significant obstacle. Whether it’s driving the kids to school, therapy sessions, or the park, the transportation of simple outings can be a huge hurdle to overcome. That’s where accessible vans come in. These vans cater to the needs of anyone with physical or mental conditions that require additional assistance. Accessible vans are especially advantageous for special needs children! Continue reading below how leasing or buying an accessible van could make a difference for your family. Reduces Entry and Exit…

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