Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

It has been a while since I have written here.  Sometimes life happens. We get busy with kids, school, summer, vacations, deaths in the family and who knows what else.  My life is crazy and busy. But, I am going to try harder to write on the Talbert Zoo more often.  I have “Publish to the Talbert Zoo,” on my to-do list for Mondays.  I promise to keep that schedule.  Only time will tell if I can stick with it. Now back to the main topic of this post. Why…

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A Day at the Beach – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday

Yesterday afternoon my nephew checked in on Facebook at our local beach. He lives in a town about 45 minutes from here so we were surprised to learn that he was close by. As residents we are able to go to the beach free of charge, so I decided to drop everything and show up there while my nephew was still there. We’ve lived in this town for 2 years now, but this was our first time at the local beach. I think we are going back a few more…

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Fourth of July Fun – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday

I drove the kids up to my parents house in Wisconsin over the Fourth of July holiday. We went to the Stoughton Jr. Fair, caught some lightning bugs, made s’mores in the fire pit, lit some sparklers that ended up being duds, and watched a fireworks display from Grandma and Grandpa’s deck.  What did you do over the Fourth of July? xx Visit these great blogs for more Wordless Wednesdays.           Rules of this #BlogHop Grab our button for your blog so I know that you…

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Our Summer – Back to School – I’m Back to Blogging

 Yeah! I am back, the kids are in school and we had one heck of a crazy busy summer. I am going to attempt to fit all three of those things in one post and get it written in less than 20 minutes. Plus, I am going to include a linky at the bottom of all of my posts so you can share a link to your latest blog post. That way I will visit your site sooner and won’t have to totally rely on my feed reader. So, yeah…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – Nature Walk

 Wordless Wednesday is live on thehealthymoms.net and talbertzoo.com. Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post. Last week we went on a nature walk along a path that runs alongside a creek. We talked about the wild flowers, berries and wildlife that we saw along the way. I also snapped a few photos of the kids. Do you go on walks with your family? red winged back bird wild grapes wild blackberries looking for caterpillars on a milkweed plant If you are participating in Wordless Wednesday scroll down and leave your…

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#AskAwayFriday – It Summer With The Mad Mommy

What is #AskAwayFriday? #AskAwayFriday was created by the amazing Penny from Real Housewife of Caroline County, as a way to connect with other bloggers with a great Q & A session of 10 questions and 10 answers, between two bloggers! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know others while allowing others to get to know you and of course there is also the added bonus of making great friends along the way. Participating in #AskAwayFriday each week is also a great way to build your blogging community. Drop…

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#WordlessWedneaday with #linky on a Tuesday – Angels and Dolphins

 Wordless Wednesday is live on thehealthymoms.net and talbertzoo.com. Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post. I haven’t been blogging as much since school ended. Between getting the new house ready for our move, shuttling Goose to work and back, taking the younger kids to their appointments at the Pioneer Center I just haven’t had much time to blog. It’s frustrating. But, I’m trying hard to deal with my stress in a positve way. Too much stress leads to weight gain and belly fat. My youngest was born nearly 5 years…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Wednesday – Spinning

 Wordless Wednesday is live on thehealthymoms.net and talbertzoo.com. Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post. I’m sorry I have fallen way behind on blogging and commenting and responding to comments on both of my blogs. Yesterday we closed on the house and I wasn’t able to get on my computer at all. The whole day was crazy busy and closing lasted nearly 3 hours.  Now I have over 100 e mails to respond to, 300+ comments and less time because all the kids are home for summer. E-mails equals more…

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Help, Summer Vacation Has Started at the Zoo

I haven’t decided if I am going to enjoy having the kids home for summer this year or not.  But, for this mom with a daily to do list a mile long, this summer is not going to be pleasant. This is what I learned so far from having my kids home for a half a day: They are all strong willed and stubborn just like their mom. Screaming at each other is a favorite past time when kids 2, 3 and 4 don’t do what kid 1 wants. Parrot…

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