Female Patron Saint of Autism

Female Patron Saint of Autism One of the most challenging aspects of autism spectrum disorder is a sense of isolation. It’s a kind of spiritual starvation that can make it hard for people with autism to connect with God and others. Aimee Martin stumbled upon a female patron saint who possessed some of the traits that characterize autism. She is committed to spreading the news about St. Leonie and her work as a prayer support for autistic children and their families. St. Dymphna Saint Dymphna was a beautiful Irish princess…

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Aspergers Autism

Asperger’s syndrome is now folded into a new diagnosis called autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with AS often have trouble reading social cues. They may miss facial expressions and body language, or they might speak in a monotone. They also tend to hyperfocus on a narrow topic of interest. Treatment can improve their ability to interact with other people and manage daily activities. Characteristics People who have Asperger’s syndrome are considered to be high functioning. They may not have the same challenges with social interactions as others on the autism…

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