How To Reduce Sensory Issues for Kids During Car Rides

How To Reduce Sensory Issues for Kids During Car Rides

Many neurodivergent children struggle with sensory issues, especially those with ADHD and autism. This can make riding in the car difficult, as there’s a great deal of unfamiliar sensory input involved. However, never riding in a car isn’t a solution. Saying that your child can never ride in a car will limit them in the future. Instead, it’s important to learn how to accommodate your child. Here are some tips to reduce sensory issues for kids during car rides. Ask Them What They Need If your child is old enough,…

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Ways To Help Your Special Needs Child Drink More Water

Ways To Help Your Special Needs Child Drink More Water

Hydration is one of the most important components of staying healthy. The human body relies on water to function properly. When you don’t drink enough water, your body experiences symptoms like nausea, dry mouth, and headaches. Children are at a greater risk for dehydration than adults. They enjoy staying active and aren’t aware of how much water they’re drinking each day. If you have a special needs child who has difficulty consuming the proper amounts of water each day, take some time to review these helpful ways to encourage them…

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Kids With Autism and Their Special Interests

Kids With Autism and Their Special Interests

If you have a child or family member with autism, you’re likely familiar with their special interests, even if you weren’t previously aware of the technical term for them. Here’s what you should know about kids with autism and their special interests. What Are Special Interests? Special interests are unique to individuals with autism. A special interest can be an intense passion or focus on a specific topic for an extended period of time. Now-outdated research described special interests as “restricted interests” and heavily discouraged them. However, special interests are…

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5 Things a Mom With a Disabled Child Should Know

5 Things a Mom With a Disabled Child Should Know

Raising a child with a certain type of disability is always challenging because the world is a complicated place to be in certain situations. Moms that deal with and live in unique circumstances that require special care and development for a child need to figure out how to make the best out of this. Figuring out things on your own as a mom can be challenging, but there are other moms who are going through a similar process and growing from the experience. These things a mom with a disabled…

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The Best Ways To Help Your Child With Behavioral Issues

The Best Ways To Help Your Child With Behavioral Issues

Raising a child isn’t easy, but it becomes much more difficult when you have to manage behavioral issues. Children may exhibit problems with behavior for various reasons, so it can be hard to pinpoint the correct strategy for managing their behavior and getting them the help they need. Read on to learn the best ways to help your child with behavioral issues. Stay Consistent One of the hardest parts about raising a child with behavior issues is that their moods can vary from one day to the next, and the…

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How to Deal With Depression in Teens

If you’ve noticed that your teen seems depressed more often than usual, you may be wondering how you can help them deal with the condition. While you can’t fix everything for your child, you can help them understand that there is a better way. To start, reach out for support. Talk to a trusted family physician or consider consulting a pediatric therapist. You can also reach out to other parents, join a support group, or find a therapist for additional help. Make sure you spend time with your teen. Teens…

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How To Set Up the Perfect Bath for Your Baby

How To Set Up the Perfect Bath for Your Baby

Bath time is an essential part of your baby’s schedule, but many new parents are not sure how they should be setting those baths up. Every baby is different, which means every bath might be different too—and that’s okay. However, there are some bathing standards that should make bath time easy for you and your baby, even if you’re a nervous new parent or your little one has sensory issues. Keep reading to learn how to set up the perfect bath for your baby. Choose the Right Space The setting…

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Tips for Helping Your Child With Sensory Issues

Tips for Helping Your Child With Sensory Issues

There is a lot to experience in the world. For children, so many new sights, sounds, smells, tastes, colors, and textures can be overwhelming, especially if they have sensory issues. Stimuli can be difficult to organize and process and can quickly result in overstimulation and panic. But there are plenty of ways you can help your child manage their sensory issues. Pay Attention This point may seem obvious because every parent needs to pay attention to their child, and you’re likely already doing some version of this. But through observation,…

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Inspiring Generosity: Top Ways To Raise Generous Children

Inspiring Generosity: Top Ways To Raise Generous Children

Raising children can be difficult, especially when you want to set goals for them and hope they succeed at everything they do. Children are more likely to succeed at achieving their goals when the adults in their life reinforce certain behaviors. This is why it’s so important to lead by example, especially when it comes to teaching children to be kind to others. If you have to ask your child to do something, that means they are still in the process of learning the skill. However, if they do it…

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Sensory-Friendly Home Renovations You Should Know About

Sensory-Friendly Home Renovations You Should Know About

Sometimes houses can be overwhelming, whether it’s due to excessive noise levels or visual overstimulation. If a child with autism in your life has problems with sensory overload, it may be time to adjust some things to create a sensory-friendly home. Read on to explore a few renovation ideas you should know about. Fix the Lighting The first thing to consider is the lighting. For example, the natural lighting outside sometimes becomes too much, so shade is the best solution. When inside the home, you don’t look for shade; instead,…

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