Sensory Games You Can Add to an Indoor Playground

Sensory Games You Can Add to an Indoor Playground

People of all ages and abilities experience the world through their senses. Children are new to our world and are still learning about it and their senses. If your child also has a sensory-processing disorder such as autism, then they may need extra help learning how to process their senses and use them to learn about the world. An indoor playground is a great way to help your child have safe sensory experiences. If you already have an indoor playground or play area, you can add these sensory games to…

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Can Aromatherapy Help Kids With Special Needs?

Can Aromatherapy Help Kids With Special Needs?

Aromatherapy is among the most popular health and wellness trends, with many people incorporating it into their daily lives. But can aromatherapy help kids with special needs? We answer that question and more below. Aromatherapy, Explained Before we get into aromatherapy and children, what does aromatherapy mean? Aromatherapy is a word that gets thrown around a lot in health and wellness, but it’s definitionally using essential oils from plants for mental and physical healing. Essential oils and aromatherapy have exploded in popularity over the past decade, as many people use…

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Attention Deficit Disorder Definition

When you have problems paying attention, you may have an Attention Deficit Disorder. People with this condition have trouble paying attention to details and are easily distracted, often making careless mistakes. They may also have trouble keeping up with their daily routines and are prone to forgetfulness. Listed below are some of the symptoms of ADHD. Read on to learn how to spot symptoms and get the proper care. In addition to these symptoms, people with ADHD may also fidget with their hands and feet. TDAH is another attention deficit…

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Attention Deficit Disorder in Children

Attention deficit disorder in children is a common learning and behavioral problem that can be problematic for the child. The child is unable to control many behaviors, including fidgeting, inattention, and impulsiveness. These symptoms can interfere with daily activities, such as school work and homework, and can lead to serious consequences if not treated. To help your child understand the disorder and to understand what your child needs, you should begin by understanding the symptoms. ADD is often hereditary, meaning that the child has the disorder because of her parents’…

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Treating Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults

Attention deficit disorder in adults is sometimes called attention deficit disorder with impulsivity, but in this case, the word ADD applies to both ADHD. To make the diagnoses there has to be: six or more of the symptoms listed above for inattention, impulsivity, or hyperactive/impulsive behavior, and evidence that symptoms consistently have been present for over six months. Of course, there are many factors that contribute to adult attention problems, so it is hard to say what all the symptoms are. Impulsivity, however, is one of the most common conditions,…

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Choosing an Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment That Works For You

Choosing an Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment That Works For You People with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) have a difficult time focusing and staying on task. They have problems keeping their attention on a task long enough to do it efficiently. In addition, they also have trouble making transitions from one task to another. Inattention can range from being distracting to simply bored out of their mind. Some people with ADHD just have difficulty staying on task because of their symptoms, while other people have problems doing multiple things at once–even…

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Myths About Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults

Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults

Attention deficit disorder, also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, affects millions of people. Adults with the disorder have difficulty paying attention to details, staying on task, and developing relationships. This can be a frustrating disorder for those who suffer from it because many people with the disorder don’t recognize that they have it. In fact, some people who think they have ADHD don’t have it at all. The most common symptoms of attention deficit disorder in adults are hyperactivity, lack of focus, and distractibility. These symptoms typically appear during…

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Attention Deficit Disorder – What You Should Know About This Disorder


Attention Deficit Disorder – What You Should Know About This Disorder Attention deficit disorder can wreak havoc in your life if not treated quickly. This disorder is not a something that you need to be afraid of. It is  treatable if you are willing to make some changes. The effects of this disorder can be devastating. Most people have been around a disorder that affected their life when they were younger and somehow they have had the courage to get help. This disorder is considered to be an incurable disease…

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7 Things to Help Disabled People Make Life Easier

So many things in our day-to-day lives add stress and anxiety, and if you have a disability, even the smallest things can bring on much more stress than they would otherwise. If you want to live a less stressful life, check out these different things that will help disabled people make life easier. Implement some of these simple changes to quickly improve the quality of your life. Set Up a Medical Alert System If you’re handicapped, implementing a medical alert system is one of the best things you can do…

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Selfie – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday

Little Bear and I recently took a selfie. This was our last lunch date before he started full time Kindergarten. I recently started a new part time job. I work 3 days a week as a merchandiser. The work is easy and stress free, plus I am guaranteed a paycheck. If I don’t sell an ad in my magazine, then I won’t get a paycheck. My family needs a regular income from me so I jumped at the opportunity. Visit these great blogs for more Wordless Wednesdays.      …

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