Preventing Teen Suicide


You may be surprised to learn that preventing teen suicide has become a priority for many parents and school administrators. Some people are quick to point out the obvious, that there is an obvious link between depression and suicidal thoughts and attempts. There are many other factors that come into play however, including school violence and bullying. The bottom line is that teens are not alone in their feelings of despair; this is a problem that affects not only them but their friends as well. There are two types of…

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Taking Care of Your Cat’s Teeth With Toothbrushes

If you’re like most cat owners, then you know how important it is to take care of your cat’s teeth. Your cat’s teeth are as unique as their personalities, and the longer you spend taking care of their teeth, the more unique and special they’ll become to you. But teeth are not always easy to keep clean. This is where a cat dental care kit comes in handy. When you’re done taking care of your cat’s teeth, it’s time to give her a reward they’ll surely love. The benefits of…

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Keeping Kids With Special Needs Safe and Happy on Long Trips

Keeping Kids With Special Needs Safe and Happy on Long Trips

Traveling with kids is often demanding, and traveling with a child with special needs can add further challenges. Don’t let that be an obstacle to having fun with your kids on a long road trip. With a little planning, any journey can be a fun and exciting chance to connect and experience everything the road has to offer. Here are several tips for keeping kids with special needs safe and happy on long trips. Plan Your Itinerary (and Then Plan for Surprises!) A vacation is a time to relax, but…

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Benefits of Essential Oils for Kids with Disabilities

Benefits of Essential Oils for Kids with Disabilities

Parents of children with special needs are like treasure-hunters, adept at discovering the newest ways to help their kids thrive. But not all methods for improving our children’s lives are new. In fact, some of them are extremely old. Aromatherapy, for instance, has been used for thousands of years cosmetically and medicinally. Today, holistic health care providers have continued to discover its benefits. The benefits of essential oils for kids with disabilities are certainly noteworthy. Essential Oils Reduce Anxiety When you walk into a house filled with familiar scents, it…

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Outdoor Activities for Children With Autism

Outdoor Activities for Children With Autism

Although trying to find activities suited towards children with autism may seem difficult, that really isn’t the case. Above all else, when searching for fun activities for your child, it’s simply important to remember they have some different needs. This may mean that what they consider fun and engaging is different from what you might expect, but that’s okay. Focus on providing new opportunities to help your child discover what they like with some of these outdoor activities for children with autism. When spring comes, and the weather warms up,…

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Fun Family Bonding Activities

Fun Family Bonding Activities

You likely have a strategic approach to communicating with your special needs child. Whether you emphasize non-verbal cues or engage with them indirectly, your quality time with them may be a challenge, but it is meaningful, nonetheless. If you want to expand your options for communication, here are a few fun family bonding activities to try. Watch Their Favorite Movie Together Your special needs child may be non-verbal and have a difficult time talking with you. Instead of putting pressure on them to communicate during quality time, give them the…

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Ways To Improve Interoception for Kids With Autism

Ways To Improve Interoception for Kids Tith Autism

Parents with children on the autism spectrum may relate to this scenario: you hear your child walk outside for a motion break only to realize they’re not wearing a coat in the middle of winter. When asked, they respond that they aren’t cold. The reason your child might not notice the cold is the same reason another child might not feel the need to eat or notice when they’ve hit their head. It may even contribute to a child with autism having a meltdown. It’s related to the idea of…

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Tips To Make Moving Easier for Children With Autism

Tips To Make Moving Easier for Children With Autism

For parents of children with autism, establishing norms and sticking to them is the name of the game. But this isn’t always possible when moving into a new home. This process can completely upend years of hard work and progress if not handled properly. Here are some tips to make moving easier for children with autism. Preparing for the Move It is important to plant the seed about your upcoming move in your child’s head as early as possible. Introduce the concept of moving ahead of time to allow them…

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Tips for Homeschooling a Child With Special Needs

Tips for Homeschooling a Child With Special Needs

Homeschooling a child with special needs might leave you feeling unsure if you are doing enough. You want to make sure your child is learning enough, but you also don’t want to overwhelm them with too much at once. Thinking about what skills your child needs to develop is one way to start planning a curriculum. You might also want to consider fun ways to develop cognitive skills, so your child enjoys learning and looks forward to schooling every day. Teach What They’re Ready To Learn One of the best…

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Simple Ways To Relieve Your Kids’ Holiday Stress

Simple Ways To Relieve Your Kids’ Holiday Stress

As the saying goes, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. We partake in plenty of eating and giving, and we receive more time to reconnect with our loved ones, too. While these are excellent ways to celebrate the holidays, all this action can exhaust your kids. Plus, if you’re a parent to children with special needs, you likely need to be extra cautious about the overstimulation that results from everything from décor and lights to increased interactions with extended family members. That’s why we wanted to share a…

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