Young Moms May Be More Likely to Have Kids with ADHD

A new study finds that young moms, particularly those under the age of 20, are more likely to have a child with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). For the study, researchers from the University of South Australia (UniSA) explored the genetic relationship between female reproductive traits and key psychiatric disorders. They found that the genetic risk of ADHD in children was strongly associated with early maternal age at first birth, especially for women younger than 20. ADHD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder which affects a person’s ability to exert age-appropriate self-control.…

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A Child’s Bedroom Says A Lot – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday

You can learn a lot about a child by looking at their bedroom. Their personal space reflects their personality, priorities, and interests. My girls don’t enjoy taking the time to clean their room.  They have other priorities. My two little boys ages 5 and 6 need help to maintain a clean room and make their bed.  Usually it’s a mess. My eight-year-old loves order, thinks logical, and maintains a strict routine every day which includes making his bed and picking up things off of the floor. What do your children’s…

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Sunshine Sparkle

Kitty is a dreamer. She reaches for the stars and sets high expectations for herself. I love her confidence and determination. It reminds me of myself. She has been playing the guitar for nearly a year now and is turning out to be a dedicated and talented musician. Again, a likeness of myself (I play the flute). But, Kitty has another dream and I am trying my best to help her reach for it. I believe using positive reinforcement and compliments will help boost our children’s self confidence and they…

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Online Friendships – Labor Day Weekend Disaster

This post is going to be a two part. My blogging bud, Lauren Becker from Shooting Stars Mag has challenged fellow bloggers to write about their experience with online friendships. Lauren talks about a Netflix film and book called “Another Girl,” which is essentially about online friendships.  I’ve been a blogger for 8 years now, wow it’s been that long, so I’ve had many experiences with online friendships. The second part is all about the disaster that happend this past weekend. Online Friendships During my early stages of blogging back…

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A Lesson in Responsibility

Growing up my mother kept a clean and tidy home. She taught all five of us kids the importance of taking care of our things and the home.  As an adult I get anxious at the site of clutter and messes.  I can’t stand it. When the mess is too hard for me to handle I go for a walk. I must get away from it. If I want less anxiety I could spend all day cleaning up after my five children.  Kids are messy. However, if I do that…

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Help, Summer Vacation Has Started at the Zoo

I haven’t decided if I am going to enjoy having the kids home for summer this year or not.  But, for this mom with a daily to do list a mile long, this summer is not going to be pleasant. This is what I learned so far from having my kids home for a half a day: They are all strong willed and stubborn just like their mom. Screaming at each other is a favorite past time when kids 2, 3 and 4 don’t do what kid 1 wants. Parrot…

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A Not So Spring at the Zoo

May isn’t even half over yet and already it’s been a crazy month at the Talbert Zoo. We have birds living on our house and more birds in a bush less than ten feet from the house.  The weather in Chicago is not very spring like yet, with high temperatures barely reaching above 60 degrees.  We recently learned that Monkey’s medication is only making him behave worse in school. Goose’s new job has changed our regular routine, but for the better. Momma Robin Momma Robin has been sitting on her…

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Preparing Children with Asperger’s for the Sacraments

I am sitting here listening to Christian music and thinking about the past weekend.  It’s been a while since I wrote here. For some reason, I just can not keep up with this blog the same way I do with my other one. I consider the Talbert Zoo my diary. Usually people update their diaries every single day, but my life is way too crazy for me to keep up with that pace. For now I will write a post here a couple of times a week. On Saturday Parrot…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – School Open House

Wordless Wednesday is live on and Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post.This is going to be a Wordful Wednesday because I haven’t had much time to update this blog over the past week.  On April 22, Google launched a new update for how websites appear on mobile search. The Healthy Moms Magazine dropped out of the search so I have been busy overhauling the on page SEO to get my rankings back. I lost 2,000 page views a day because of this update. I’m still working hard…

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A Bit Gloomy

I don’t know what to title this yet. I’m just going to type what is on my mind at this moment. Easter is all over, our Florida trip ended, the kids are back in school, Chris is back to working 80+ hours a week, today is a gloomy day with thunderstorms and I’ve been feeling a bit gloomy myself. I have no idea how many people actually read my posts here completely, or who reads them for that matter.  There is so much on my mind, and I’m full of…

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