The Cat and the Toothpaste

Let me tell you a story about a young boy and his cat.   The boy is very kind, caring and always does what he is told.  He loves helping out his mom and taking care of others.  He especially loves taking care of his cat. Every night the young boy  gets his pajamas on, reads a book, and brushes his teeth before bed.  He loves reading to his cat and she loves the attention she gets from the boy.  They read stories like, “That’s Not My Bear,” “Bubble Trouble,”…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – The Lost Tooth

Wordless Wednesday is live on and Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post. Today is the last day of summer vacation and it’s already been a crazy one.  This morning Monkey came up to me and told me that his tooth was really loose. When I looked into his mouth I noticed that it was bleeding and the tooth was barely hanging on. I only wiggled it a little because I was afraid of hurting him. So I told him to go tell Kitty because she is good…

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This Week At the Zoo

It’s time to update this blog once again. Little Bear is taking a nap and the rest of the kids are at school. I’m sitting in my favorite spot on the comfy brown chair, with my soft brown blanket on my lap and Fox News on the television in front of me.  This is my happy spot. The place where I go to think about my day, relax, drink my coffee in the morning and drink my glass of wine in the evening.  This week has been unseasonably cool here…

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A Not So Spring at the Zoo

May isn’t even half over yet and already it’s been a crazy month at the Talbert Zoo. We have birds living on our house and more birds in a bush less than ten feet from the house.  The weather in Chicago is not very spring like yet, with high temperatures barely reaching above 60 degrees.  We recently learned that Monkey’s medication is only making him behave worse in school. Goose’s new job has changed our regular routine, but for the better. Momma Robin Momma Robin has been sitting on her…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – Hot Wheels

Wordless Wednesday is live on and Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post.Little Bear and Monkey love playing with Hot Wheels.  They have quite the collection too. The other day, Monkey decided to add a little bit of leaves from one of the trees outside to his hot wheels. I thought it was pretty funny so I snapped a few photos of him. Do your kids play with hot wheels? Visit these great blogs where Talbert Zoo links up each week. Rules of this #BlogHop Grab our new…

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Why Do I Have Boys?

Boys. When I was a teenager I couldn’t stop thinking about them.  By the time I was in college, I found most boys obnoxious and immature. Besides, I had better things to do with my time, then. I had a little girl. I remember when my oldest brother’s boys were little.  . They were hyper, full of energy and listened to my brother and sister-in-law about half of the time.  Today, they are wonderful, handsome young men. I love my two girls. When I am alone with just my girls…

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The Diagnosis

I have been thinking about writing this for some time now. If you are a frequent visitor of this blog you would have noticed that I added a new special needs awareness banner and a link to all my posts labeled ADHD.  Now you know what “the diagnosis,” means. Chris and I have been speculating for a few years now whether or not our little Monkey has ADHD. Shortly before Christmas when I took Monkey to his appointment at the Pioneer Center this speculation was confirmed to be true.  The…

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My Thoughts…

I didn’t know what to title this post, but I do know that I should write a little something before I have to get dinner out on the table at 5 o’clock. So here is what I have been thinking about lately. “I wonder if Chris is okay and not trapped in the floods out in Phoenix” “I hope Goose figures out what she is going to do after high-school, soon. She has her priorities strait but is college really in her future?  I think I need to pray more…

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Is it June Already?

I can not believe that it is June already.  May was so busy that if I blinked I would have missed it.  Here we are welcoming a new month, a new season, and new possibilities for the Talbert Zoo.  Last week I took a couple of days off of blogging.  I was ready to give up on all of my websites and just be a mother and wife. This decision was due to the fact that we learned that there is a 99% chance that we will be moving to…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – Spring Soccer

Wordless Wednesday is live on and Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post. This is a #BlogHop. Please visit the other blogs participating. Rules of this #BlogHop Place my button on your blog so I know that you are linking up here. Add your Wordless Wednesday Link Leave me a comment so I can visit your blog. Visit the other blogs linking up. An InLinkz Link-up Temptations Classic Crunchy and Soft Cat Treats Seafood Medley Flavor, 1.88 Pound (Pack of 1) 4.8 out of 5 stars(30437) $13.93 (as…

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