Trichotillomania And OCD

trichotillomania ocd

Trichotillomania And OCD

Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) is an OCD-Trichotillomania co-existing condition. Trichotillomania, also known as Hair Pulling Disorder or OCD Trichotillomania, is a non-specific behavioral disorder characterized by recurrent hair pulling behavior. Usually, hair pulling behavior is associated with the heightened stress response in the body and with its result is excessive hair pulling behavior.

Trichotillomania is an OCD-Trichotillomania co-existing condition that can occur at any age from children to adults. It is also a complex condition, since many other conditions also lead to excessive hair pulling behavior such as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety, phobias, depression, and generalized anxiety disorder. Several studies show that several kinds of OCD are accompanied by Trichotillomania as well as that Trichotillomania and OCD are not just different conditions.

The connection between Trichotillomania and OCD and many other mental disorders can be traced back to a case reported by psychologist David Solomon (1970). Dr. Solomon studied the cases of children with autism, obsessive compulsive disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, Tourette’s syndrome and depression.

In his research, he found that these children pulled their hair out when provoked by these other disorders that were also known to have an obsessive compulsive component. In addition, he found that more than half of the children had exaggerated worry and tension while playing or doing activities. This only further supported the association between Trichotillomania and OCD.

So the question is: does Trichotillomania have an OCD-Trichotillomania co-existing component? The answer is “yes” for most of the specific forms of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Phobias, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, etc. ), although some forms of OCD do not require an association between Trichotillomania and OCD.

Here are some of the diagnostic criteria for the different types of OCD. Each of these cases should contain the following symptoms:

In the next section we will discuss why it is important to have the above mentioned symptoms to help with the diagnosis of Trichotillomania and OCD. The first step for the diagnosis of Trichotillomania and OCD is having the above symptoms. The second step involves providing information about the types of triggers that caused the repeated hair pulling behaviors.

For example, triggers can be physical, emotional, or mental. Physical triggers include objects that cause an abnormal reaction. Emotional triggers include feelings of shame, embarrassment, fear, or anger. Mental triggers include a thought that provokes an excessive response from the mind.

Since the above are common triggers of Trichotillomania and OCD, it is vital to keep a look out for them as possible triggers. Of course, these are not the only triggers of Trichotillomania and OCD.

The next step is to determine which of the above may be causing the Trichotillomania and OCD. Obviously, any family member who shares the same triggers as well as the above mentioned symptoms should be considered a possible trigger.

It is essential to ask questions such as “Are you afraid of your boss? “, “Have you recently had a break up or divorce?” “, “Have you recently lost a loved one?”

Any family member that has experience with depression, anxiety, irritability, anger, or generalized anxiety should be considered a possible trigger. Finally, Trichotillomania and OCD can only be effectively treated if the trigger(s) are identified and properly treated.

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