What is in Store for the Zoo in 2014?

2014.  A new year, new beginnings and hopefully a more positive outlook for the future.  What are the plans for the Talbert Zoo in 2014? Just thinking about the new year gives me mixed feelings.  I am terrified of what could or might happen in the upcoming year. Yet I am hopeful that we will continue to be blessed.  I am concerned about my country and my childrens’ future.  But I am excited about all the possibilities and opportunities my family will have in our local community and schools. So what is in store for the Talbert Zoo in 2014?

Goose will be a senior in high-school starting in September, 2014.  Before she begins her final journey of high-school she is going on a mission trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with our church youth group.  I was a little hesitant to let her go because Pittsburgh is thousands of miles away from Washington State.  But I know that the Lord will be with her and it will be a valuable experience for my young daughter.
Kitty is in second grade, will turn 8 at the end of the month and in May of this year she will receive her First Holy Communion.  She is turning into quite the young lady and growing in her faith every single day. 
The possibilities for Parrot in 2014 are endless and unpredictable.  In 2013 he started first grade at a brand new school.  I was worried and scared for him because I did not know if all his unique needs were going to be met. But in November all my hopes and dreams for him came true when six staff members showed up at his parent / teacher conference.  If they continue to work with him like they have in 2014 he will continue to overcome obstacles in socialization,  grow in his knowledge of academia, and learn how to better take control of his emotions.  
Monkey continues to challenge me and I am sure 2014 will bring about a whole different set of surprises.  In 2014 he will have the opportunity to use his athletic ability that God has blessed him with. Monkey will be old enough to join the Pop Warner kids football program.  When we had him in soccer last fall he wanted to tackle his team mates.  By the end of the season he learned how to control that and his coach said that he is going to be “One h**l of a football player.”  Yes I agree with that statement. This weekend, Monkey is going to join myself and his dad cheering on the Packers in their first playoff game this season.
What will 2014 bring for our little three-year-old? I have no idea.  Hopefully his stubbornness will calm down and he will finally listen to his little body when he has to go potty and listen to Mom and Dad.  Maybe 2014 will bring the end of the plate throwing and tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.  But I know for certain that he will always be our Little Bear and he constantly reminds us that he is the baby.
2014 will bring new challenges and blessings for my wonderful husband, Chris.  We will celebrate 11 years of marriage in April. I can not believe it has been that long.  He continues to grow in his sales carrier with the announcement that he has two new states added to his territory.  Chris will meet new people, and have more exciting adventures as he travels for work. At home here in the Talbert Zoo, we will enjoy his humor, and wonderful recipes he prepares for our family. 
What is in store for myself in 2014? Hope?  Maybe.  Laughter and love with my family.  Yes that is a possibility.  But, I am terrified at what may happen.  With the costs of everything going up and Chris and I required to purchase health insurance or pay a fine, I might have to go back to work in 2014.  I have been blessed to be a stay at home mom since Monkey was born in 2009.  The possibility of me looking for a job outside the home is terrifying.  When I opened the classified ads in our local paper I only found one help wanted ad. And it was for a restaurant.  I failed miserably as a waitress back in 2003.  I do not want to go through that again. Hopefully God will bless me with enough success on my blogs so that I will not have to go to work.  Only with prayer and time I will have an answer.
What are you looking forward to in the new year?

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