Ways To Tell if Your Child Has ADHD or Is Just Energetic

Ways To Tell if Your Child Has ADHD or Is Just Energetic

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that typically shows up during childhood. However, it’s not uncommon for parents and even health-care professionals to confuse the symptoms of ADHD with normal displays of energetic behavior. Here are some ways to tell if your child has ADHD or is just energetic. High Energy Is Normal for Many Kids All children are energetic at times. They run around, make noise, have tons of questions—that’s just kids being kids. They may be fidgety or even anxious at times, displaying nervous habits for comfort.…

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Female Patron Saint of Autism

Female Patron Saint of Autism One of the most challenging aspects of autism spectrum disorder is a sense of isolation. It’s a kind of spiritual starvation that can make it hard for people with autism to connect with God and others. Aimee Martin stumbled upon a female patron saint who possessed some of the traits that characterize autism. She is committed to spreading the news about St. Leonie and her work as a prayer support for autistic children and their families. St. Dymphna Saint Dymphna was a beautiful Irish princess…

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Fat Burning Foods For Weight Loss

Fat Burning Foods For Weight Loss Effective fat loss requires a well-balanced diet and creating a calorie deficit. Choosing nutrient-rich foods like those listed below can help keep you satisfied, full and energized on your weight loss journey. Eggs: Whether sunny side up, scrambled or hard-boiled eggs are a great source of choline, which helps turn off genes that promote fat storage. They also boost metabolism and satiety. Water Thermogenesis, or the production of heat during digestion, stimulates fat burning. Some foods, such as berries, green leafy vegetables, yogurt or…

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A Catholic List of Saints and What They Protect

A Catholic List of Saints and What They Protect Most Catholics have a patron saint that they look up to, or one who inspires them. Saints often become associated with certain ailments or activities due to how they lived their lives or interceded for others. There are many different patron saints for countries, cities, organizations and more. Some saints seem like they always led virtuous lives, but many went through hardships and struggles to grow closer to God. St. Thomas Aquinas St. Thomas Aquinas was an Italian Roman Catholic theologian…

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5 Supplements to Lose Belly Fat

5 Supplements to Lose Belly Fat A healthy diet and regular exercise are the best ways to lose belly fat. However, many people turn to dietary supplements that are promoted as weight loss aids. This supplement contains a combination of ingredients that promotes metabolism and burns belly fat. It also increases mental clarity and focus. Caffeine Caffeine is an effective stimulant and is often added to fat loss supplements. Its role is to boost metabolism and increase fatty acid breakdown to be used as energy. It also reduces appetite and…

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Special Needs Moms Need Your Support

Special Needs Moms Need Your Support The birth of a child with a disability can have profound effects on a family. It can alter expectations, create new roles and change the way a family functions. Parents and family members need to be informed and involved in planning services for their children with disabilities. They also need to know that they have rights. 1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The parents of children with disabilities are often in need of both emotional and practical support. The former can be…

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Aspergers Autism

Asperger’s syndrome is now folded into a new diagnosis called autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with AS often have trouble reading social cues. They may miss facial expressions and body language, or they might speak in a monotone. They also tend to hyperfocus on a narrow topic of interest. Treatment can improve their ability to interact with other people and manage daily activities. Characteristics People who have Asperger’s syndrome are considered to be high functioning. They may not have the same challenges with social interactions as others on the autism…

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Trichotillomania Symptoms

Trichotillomania Symptoms Trichotillomania (trik-o-till-o-MAYN-ee-uh) is an impulse control disorder that causes you to have recurrent and irresistible urges to pull your hair. This can cause obvious bald or thin spots that can be embarrassing and distressing. It is commonly a co-occurring disorder with other conditions such as anxiety and depression or other disorders such as Tourette Syndrome and Compulsive Skin Picking. Anxiety Trichotillomania is a type of impulse control disorder that causes people to pull out their hair. It may be from their scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows or even the pubic…

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