Florida Vacation Photos – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday

We just got back from our vacation in Florida. I wasn’t able to write about our travels while we were there because our hotel did not have free wifi. Can you believe it? No free wifi? I was shocked. But the hotel only had 2 stars, so it wasn’t that great anyway. The rooms smelled like cigarettes, the bedding had stains on it, we didn’t have a coffee maker or a fridge or microwave, or even tissues to blow our noses.  But, the rooms were cheap and we had beds…

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Florida Vacation Videos

The Talbert Family We got back from Florida Saturday afternoon.  Our vacation was a lot of fun and I made sure to take plenty of photos and videos.  Below are my favorite videos from our trip. Thanks for watching! For more fun videos from the Talbert Zoo make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel. ARM & Hammer Cat Litter Deodorizer 30 oz 4.7 out of 5 stars(15403) $4.24 (as of July 26, 2024 06:58 GMT -05:00 – More infoProduct prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated…

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Florida Vacation Part Five

After spending five days in sunny Florida we all resemble lobsters. I guess it is time to head back up north to Chicago.  I will miss the sun, sand and surf.  We all had a great time and I created lasting memories for my kids. Today we left our hotel and headed for the island early in the morning.  We took the kids to some of the local shops and visited one that had parrots outside in cages. The parrots are very colorful and most of them repeat everything that…

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Florida Vacation Part Four

I am finally caught up! Yes it is Wednesday night and I am going to remember the events of, drum roll please…today!  Our vacation is going by way too quickly, but the kids are having a good time and we are creating lasting memories. This morning Chris decided to skip the pool because the kids didn’t care for it too much yesterday. We headed out to the island bright and early around 9:30.  When we got to my parent’s resort they were not there, so we decided to go for…

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Florida Vacation Part Three

Here I am once again typing on Wednesday night, and trying to recall the events of yesterday.  Here is the continuation of the Talbert Zoo’s Florida Vacation. On Tuesday the kids wanted to play in the pool in the morning.  I thought it was too cold, so I opted to sit down, relax and take pictures. Besides, I woke that morning with a sore throat and felt a cold coming on.  We also heard rumors that it snowed back in Chicago on Tuesday, or maybe it was Monday.  Anyway, we…

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Florida Vacation Part Two

Now that my computer is working again I am going to try to get caught up with our Florida vacation.  It is Wednesday night as I type this but I am going to try to recall the events of Monday. Hopefully, my memory will not fail me. On Monday the forecast called for rain and clouds in the morning so we decided to skip the beach and head down to Sarasota to visit the Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium. The Mote Aquarium opened in 1980 to showcase ground-breaking marine research…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – Florida Vacation

Wordless Wednesday is live on thehealthymoms.net and talbertzoo.com. Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post. This is going to be a not so Wordless Wednesday today.  We are on vacation in Florida this week and I promised all my readers that I would update Talbert Zoo each day with our adventures. I was able to write my Florida Vacation Part One post. But, last night my computer decided it didn’t want to work correctly. I turned it on and it was stuck on an update. I didn’t want to stay…

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Florida Vacation Part One

We left for sunny Florida on Friday afternoon when the kids got out of school.  The first leg of the trip went fairly well and we made it to Louisville, KY around midnight. After spending the night at a hotel we left Louisville at 8am Saturday morning. The drive on Saturday was beautiful. We enjoyed watching the seasons change from winter to spring the further south we got.  The trees went from barron to full leaves by the time we got down to Georgia.  A couple of traffic jams due…

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South for Spring Break the Countdown is On!

When I was a kid growing up in Wisconsin, every single spring break we piled in our van and drove down to Bradenton, Florida. In the 1980’s we had brown full sized van which sat eight. My parents would be up front with my Dad behind the wheel. The middle of the van had two captain’s chairs. And the back had a bench seat which sat four. As the youngest of five children, I always sat in the back for the ride down to Florida. This was before car seats,…

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