How To Catch the Early Signs of Autism in a Baby

How To Catch the Early Signs of Autism in a Baby

As the primary caregiver for your baby, you have a front-row seat to their growth and development. Every day brings new leaps and discoveries. These day-to-day changes show positive signs of skill-building and unique abilities. Because of how rapid a baby will progress, it’s also important to watch for any areas of opportunity—where your baby may be struggling or slower to evolve. An absence or inability of a particular skill set is not a cause for concern but could indicate developmental differences. Let’s look at how to catch the early…

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Tips for Creating a Sensory-Sensitive Home

Tips for Creating a Sensory-Sensitive Home

As mothers, we want our children to be safe, healthy, and happy. But if they suffer from health conditions, we must do everything we can to help them. If your child has trouble with hypersensitivity in the house, here are some tips for creating a sensory-sensitive home. What Is Sensory Processing? Sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing: these important senses are how we experience life every day. Up to 16 percent of school-aged children suffer from SPD (sensory processing disorder). For some, sensory feedback can be overwhelming, and they may…

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Tips for Families Purchasing an RV Vehicle

Tips for Families Purchasing an RV Vehicle

After spending your regular life working hard and going to school, your family is in dire need of a good vacation. You don’t want to hustle out savings just for airfare alone, and it can restrict those in your family with medical predispositions. So, what are the options you can find? Luckily, you can go through with buying an RV for road trips. It will make driving less boring for your passengers, and you can even sleep in a bed while swapping driving shifts. Driving is also safer than flying,…

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How Lunchtime Is an Important Part of Child Development

How Lunchtime Is an Important Part of Child Development

As children grow, their health requirements start to change as well. It’s essential to keep track of their health at pediatric checkups and give them food to eat that assist in their growth. However, if their diets aren’t benefiting them, it can affect their learning retention and abilities in negative ways. If students have a lack of nutrients—and even worse, no knowledge of what they eat—they can suffer physically and fall behind in their work. So, it’s essential to know the benefits of eating correctly and why it’s a crucial…

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What To Do Post-High School for Students With Disabilities

What To Do Post-High School for Students With Disabilities

The day your child leaves home is a scary moment for any parent. How are they going to fare in the world? Do they have the tools to succeed? For parents of children living with a learning disability, this can be even harder, which is why under the IDEA Act, every student must build an Individualized Education Program by the time they are 16 (or 14 for Wisconsinites). That way, they begin setting goals to work towards after graduation. So, if you are unfamiliar with what to do post-high school…

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Tips for Creating a Sensory-Friendly Nursery

Tips for Creating a Sensory-Friendly Nursery

Every child deserves to love their bedroom, and this experience is no different for children with special needs. The bedroom is a safe space where children with special needs can retreat and decompress if they’re feeling upset or overwhelmed. As a parent, you must know the right tips for creating a sensory-friendly nursery; here are a few of them. Use Calming Colors Children with special needs often feel at peace and relaxed when in a room with soft colors that allow them to destress. To create a tranquil wall that’s…

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Teen Suicide Hotline Numbers – Know What To Do

You may not think twice about calling a suicide hotline when you are in crisis, but you should. There are trained counsellors on them that have expertise in dealing with teenagers and adolescents who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or feelings. Teenagers often feel very alone and isolated because they are generally from a different background than the rest of society. It is important for parents to get the help that they need as soon as possible, and there is a teen suicide hotline available 24 hours a day, seven…

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What Are Teen Suicide Warning Signs?

There are some very common teenage suicide warning signs. Teenagers will go through a range of emotions and behaviors that show signs of deep depression and feelings of being unaccepted by everyone. When a teen attempts to harm themselves or actually injures themselves with acts such as cutting, this is usually a sign that they have thoughts of suicide. Withdrawal from activities and people they once loved can also be a sign that a teen is thinking about suicide. There are some distinct signs of teen suicide warning signs. This…

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Preventing Teen Suicide

What makes preventing teen suicide more important today than ever before? Due to the recent rash of high-profile suicides of teenagers, the issue is now more visible than ever before. Experts tell us that the increasing pressure from peer pressure, family stress and even school bullying can lead to many teens feeling hopeless and helpless. Many teens feel like they are fighting an uphill battle against the problems that they face. A teenager who is struggling with mental health issues is at higher risk for suicide than an adult who…

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Teen Suicide Statistics – Increasing Rates Among Teens

Teen suicide statistics are important to those who are concerned about the issues involved with teen suicide attempts. There are several different resources available to help parents, friends, or even teenagers deal with potential teen suicidal ideations. Better understanding of teen suicide statistics may help put this very serious problem into proper perspective and perhaps even help prevent further tragedies. Suicide is a leading cause of unintentional death among teenagers and children. One of every 5 suicides each year is by a teenager. Teens often suffer from various kinds of…

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