Wordless Wednesday | Close Up #2

Last week’s answer:

Did you get it right?

Now for this week’s close up:

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12 Thoughts to “Wordless Wednesday | Close Up #2”

  1. i think that's a whisk!! right?

  2. I'm with Lisa. I think it's a whisk too!

  3. kebab skewers?
    I was so wrong last week 🙂

  4. oh this is fun! I think it's a whisk.

  5. I actually know this one! LOL It is definitely a whisk! =)

  6. I thought it was nails but I'm going with everyone else and saying whisk. 🙂

  7. A wire whisk! 🙂

  8. I think I am going to have to make next week's a little tougher. Thanks for visiting!

  9. I agree it's a whisk – but I dopn't think I would have gotten it without Lisa!

  10. Okay, this is how bad I am. Even though you have said what it is, I still don't see it. LOL I was thinking an easel of some kind???

  11. Sue

    I did get it right last week!

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