When To Seek Professional Help for a Child’s Mental Health

When To Seek Professional Help for a Child’s Mental Health

Young children exhibit variances in development, expressing an individual temperament and experiencing a unique developmental timeline. But where psychological conditions are concerned, it can be hard to tell the difference between a developmental phase and a disability or mental illness. Know when to seek professional help for a child’s mental health. Persistence The defining element of a developmental phase is that it passes. Your pediatrician can help you track infant and toddler development and identify areas of concern. For many families, meeting developmental milestones simply means keeping a child within…

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Kids With Autism and Their Special Interests

Kids With Autism and Their Special Interests

If you have a child or family member with autism, you’re likely familiar with their special interests, even if you weren’t previously aware of the technical term for them. Here’s what you should know about kids with autism and their special interests. What Are Special Interests? Special interests are unique to individuals with autism. A special interest can be an intense passion or focus on a specific topic for an extended period of time. Now-outdated research described special interests as “restricted interests” and heavily discouraged them. However, special interests are…

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