Weekend Reflection- Spiritual Growth


This week was very busy but rewarding. I started my new job working as a merchandiser for Prism Retail Services. The job is very simple but fun. I met some nice people and am looking forward to next week.

We had a parish mission at our church this past week. It was put on by Deacon Glenn Harmon. Even though every night was late and I had to get up at 5 am the following morning it was worth the sacrifice. This experience really helped me to grow spiritually and learn how to get closer to Jesus during this difficult time in my life. I learned about forgiveness, love and that God has a purpose for me. I may not understand what that purpose is right now but if I pray enough I will be able to listen to God and learn what that purpose is.

The challenge I have had is trying to listen to what God is telling me. I have heard people say that they can hear God speaking to them in the quiet places in their heart. I don’t know if I have to get closer to God to experience that or if he is speaking to me in a different way. Some people say that they can hear God through words and actions of others. Maybe I just need to learn to be a better listener.

From now on I am going to pray more, read my bible more and most of all listen to God.

To participate in this meme add your link to Mr. Linky’s. Then make a blog post reflecting back on your week with a link back to Weekend Reflection Sponsored by Healthy Moms. I will visit everyone that participates.


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4 Thoughts to “Weekend Reflection- Spiritual Growth”

  1. I know what you mean – I hear people say “The first time God spoke to me was when I was…”I don’t know if God has ever “spoken” to me, but I know He sends messages to me… I just have to make sure I’m open to hearing Him. The beauty of His love, though, is that if I don’t hear it the first time, thru the first messenge, He’ll try and try again. 🙂

  2. That is so true. God never gives up. He has unconditional love. Cascia

  3. I understand your question, and because I sometimes wonder why you don’t exactly hear a voice, you just know. When I pray, I ask to feel his warmth in my heart, his light in my eyes and my body to feel lighter, as I know he’s carrying me today. And let me feel your arms around me. Please God I ask, and as I quietly sit or stand in front of him, I usually feel warm, loved and filled with pride and courage to go forward with my day. I hope this helps..I really enjoy your blog..Dorothy from grammologyremember to call your gramhttp://www.grammology.com

  4. Thank you, Dorothy. That does help. I enjoy your blog as well. Thank you for visiting. Cascia

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