Attention Deficit Disorder Definition

When you have problems paying attention, you may have an Attention Deficit Disorder. People with this condition have trouble paying attention to details and are easily distracted, often making careless mistakes. They may also have trouble keeping up with their daily routines and are prone to forgetfulness. Listed below are some of the symptoms of ADHD. Read on to learn how to spot symptoms and get the proper care. In addition to these symptoms, people with ADHD may also fidget with their hands and feet. TDAH is another attention deficit…

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Catholic Beliefs

Catholics believe in one supreme being known as the Trinity. This divine being resides in heaven and rules over everything on earth, including man. The three aspects of this being are known as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The divine being is omnipotent, eternal, immeasurable, and infinite in understanding and will. Catholics believe that the human soul is ultimately created by the Creator and that it is ultimately a gift from God. Catholics believe in the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the most important saint.…

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