Why You Should Not Declaw Your Cat

There are many reasons why you should not Declaw your cat. I will name and explain these reasons. They are all related to the cat being part of the family. You do not want to cut your cat off from the family it has spent its entire life building.

why you should not declaw your cat

First of all let’s look at why you should not Claws. Cats have evolved with claws for thousands of years. Back when they first started coming out of the Stone Age people already used them to catch food and climb trees. It was almost a necessity. When humans started to walk they found that their feet were no longer safe and so they began to use their claws to climb.

This is only one of the ways that cats have helped mankind. Another way is when they went underwater when our ancestors came out of the sea. The cats’ ability to use the stars as a navigation device led to them staying out of the water for much longer periods of time. They would use the stars to direct them back to land. This led to them using the stars as their guide to their meals.

Claws also are used in climbing, why? Well, when your cat climbs something it is probably using its claws to climb it. Just like a human would use their hands to climb something. You might think this is silly but think about a cat that is stuck on a tree or wall. It will use all of its claws to scrape along the surface to break free.

You see, in nature there are things called predators. Cats are prey animals. This means they hunt other animals. Whether they are mice, birds, deer or even a cow they hunt. If your cat gets away from you then they will track down and attack any animal that it can find.

Claws are essential for your cat’s health. It’s important to keep them sharp. Why do I need to keep my cat’s claws so sharp? Because if you cut off their claw growth then you are causing unnecessary pain to their pads. It will eventually lead to them having trouble sleeping because they can’t feel their paws.

Cats have claw lines because they evolved from ancient felines. These bones are very useful. They aid in climbing, posture, turning and other uses. When a cat’s claws are clipped they do not grow back the same way. It will either be a gradual loss or it could take several years to grow back in the same way. So by nature they are designed to grow their claws out again.

Declawing cats is cruel and unnecessary. You would be best to leave it up to the vet to give them their claws back. Sometimes the vet may have to make an adjustment after they have been clawed. But if your cat is only scratching your furniture then you should consider giving them their claws back.

If you want to get rid of fleas then this is the best time to do it. Most cats will be itching somewhere on their body at all times. Some will scratch more than others though. So if you notice your cat scratching themselves more than their hair then you need to take them to the vet for a flea bath. Once your cat has been bathed, they should no longer itch where they were previously.

Why you should not clip your cat’s nails If you think about why you should not clip your cat’s nails then you should understand that when their nails are clipped they become weaker. This weakens them because they cannot fight off infections as well. It is quite possible that your cat could end up with a damaged nail over time.

Why you should not clip your cat’s nails Unless you are trying to grow them back they should stay attached to the end of their nails. If you do decide to clip your cat’s nails then you should make sure you know exactly how much to clip. You should not clip too much or you will only end up injuring your cat. It is better to take them slowly to help prevent them from hurting themselves.

Why you should not Declaw your cat Unless you are trying to grow back their claws in adulthood then you should not remove their claws. This is especially true for kittens. Kittens do not have the growth spurt that cats do, and they do not have the ability to easily replace their natural nails. They should stay attached to their claws until they can grow them out.

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