How To Recognize Depression Warning Signs

depression warning signs

The key to identifying depression warning signs is to not worry. Most of us tend to lose our sense of control and tend to worry endlessly. Our minds will actually tell us that we are in dire straits that we cannot handle.

depression warning signs

This is what the authors of “Four Pillars of Success”, the best-selling self-help book written by the famous Tony Hicks, was all about. With this book we can immediately differentiate between our own strengths and weaknesses and self-confidence. This is a foundation on which we can build upon to regain our confidence and vitality. When we understand what is happening to us, we need to take immediate action to take control of our situation.

The most popular manner to tell whether you are already suffering from depression warning signs is to think of what the people you know and/or see might tell you. These depressed people who are depressed are usually quiet, withdrawn and seem “unfriendly”.

Would you guess they are cuddly? The lack of their self-confidence and the idea that they are “crazy” are some of the signs we may pick up on. It is the quality of caring in them that is so disturbing to us.

Yet we give ourselves lots of people to love and give us lots of things to feel guilty about. The problem is, we tend to attract ourselves with other people and our own negative emotions rather than uplifting and helpful emotions.

So, with depression warning signs, let us not worry ourselves. And if we feel we are, see if we can identify the actual cause. When you find yourself having one of these signs in your life, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Some people may call it a “late-night conversation”, others may label it a time in a lonely night when they have nothing better to do. These depressed people do not know the potential source of their depression.

We need to trust our instincts. If you do not trust your intuition and sense of awareness, do not place too much emphasis on these warning signs. We often do not see these signs because they occur very fast and are very subtle.

You may also see the depression warning signs if you have already experienced loss or a loss of love. These individuals are often rejected and left without. They tend to spend less time with family members. They do not bother to go for shopping sprees, to spend time with friends and to go out dancing.

This is because these people are trying to express their hurt, anger and disgust. This is an expression of the failure of others to take care of them. Hence, when they find no one who really takes care of them, they are left with no other option than to search for an additional source of attention.

As you may already know, depression warning signs can be very deceiving and hard to recognize. If you notice yourself developing a pattern of sadness and lack of passion, take action and address these problems.

Cascia Talbert is a Catholic mother of five special needs kids. In 2018 she published the book, "Taking Care of Your Family's Health and Well-Being, Saints to Turn to and the Catholic Faith," available anywhere books are sold. She is also a professional flutist and an Avon Independent Sales Representative. You can learn more about Cascia on the following websites, and She lives in the Chicago suburbs with her husband, children and Baby, the playful black kitty.

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