Cascia Talbert for D47 Board of Ed

My name is Cascia Talbert. I am a professional writer, and I published my first book in 2018. I am also a mom to five amazing special needs children. 3 of whom attend D47 schools. My husband and I moved our family from Spokane, WA to Crystal Lake in 2014. We chose Crystal Lake because of the great schools.
Cascia Talbert

As a non-educator, I am quite different from all the other candidates. I am not running for board of education because it will look good on my resume. I am not running for board of education because I think I deserve a spot. I am running for board of education to fill a need within our community.

I am humbled by the fact that many people have reached out to me in support of my candidacy.

I am the only candidate that finds the Illinois Report Card for Academic Progress in ELA and Math for D47 concerning. In the 2019-2020 school year less than half of students met or exceeded the state standards in ELA and Math. You can look at these statistics by visiting

I am the only candidate that has pointed out that our children are going through a mental health crisis that was caused by the closing of our schools. The district needs to do something to help these students.

I am the only candidate that thinks the district needs to do a better job preparing our eighth graders for high school. According to, in 2019-2020 school year only 38% of eighth graders at Lundahl Middle School passed Algebra 1.

I am the only candidate that opposes the Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning Standards put forth by the Illinois State Board of Education.

If I am elected, I will work tirelessly to help improve the schools in D47. I will be a strong advocate for the needs of all students and families in our district. We all agree that D47 made some mistakes while dealing with the Covid Pandemic. We also agree that students learn better in a classroom than in front of a Chromebook. Shutting down the schools completely for as long as the district did was a mistake. The shut down and remote learning period should have been much shorter.

Other districts were open for much of the year, some the whole year. D47 should have come up with a plan to keep as many kids as possible in the buildings while still adhering to health and safety measures. We need to look at what other districts did to stay open longer and implement those strategies into a plan just in case this happens again.

Our community is looking for a positive change. The Board of Education should be an accurate representation of the community of Crystal Lake. After all, the schools are funded by the taxpayers. It is also important to have a strong parent leader who will advocate for the best interests of all students in the district. I will bring common sense to the Board of Education and put our students first when making decisions. I have the necessary skills and experiences to help improve our schools.

Cascia Talbert is a Catholic mother of five special needs kids. In 2018 she published the book, "Taking Care of Your Family's Health and Well-Being, Saints to Turn to and the Catholic Faith," available anywhere books are sold. She is also a professional flutist and an Avon Independent Sales Representative. You can learn more about Cascia on the following websites, and She lives in the Chicago suburbs with her husband, children and Baby, the playful black kitty.

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