Leaked document shows China’s criteria for Uighur internment

Beijing, China, Feb 18, 2020 / 10:40 am (CNA).- A leaked document has revealed China’s criteria for deciding which members of the country’s Uighur population will be detained in camps. Experts have called the document evidence of China’s persecution of typical religious practices.  The 137-page document, dubbed the “Karakax List,” was obtained by the BBC. It contains the records of more than 3,000 people from the province of Xinjiang. The document notes the prayer habits, clothing preferences, contacts, and the behavior of family members of each individual.  The Communist regime…

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Books For Kids With Autism

Books for Kids with Autism

Books for kids with autism can be an ideal way to entertain and amuse a child who doesn’t seem to know when to stop. Children who have autism often enjoy simple books, books which don’t require any effort on their part. They may be able to keep up with a child who is reading for more complex books because they will get a better challenge. Reading helps the child become familiar with different concepts and encourages the brain to learn new concepts. With some books, this can help children who…

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