Wordless Wednesday | Mohawk Baby

Bear is losing his hair. I made a rhyme! For some reason all the hair is falling out on the sides so now he has a Mohawk.

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26 Thoughts to “Wordless Wednesday | Mohawk Baby”

  1. Beautiful, beautiful child!

  2. LOVE IT!

    My baby girl always ends up with a Mohawk at the end of the day…can't figure that one out. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by I'm Mama Y'all

  3. What a cutie!! My son's hair fell our that way too for some reason lol 😉

  4. I love mohawks on babies!!

  5. So cute!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. very cute! maybe you should put some gel in it and spike it up a bit 😉


  8. I spiked it with baby oil.

  9. He's precious! That happened to both my son & daughter…looked like they had little Marine hair cuts. LOL Happy WW & thanks for linking up! =)
    My WW post – http://lifeat30ish.com/?p=766

  10. He sure does look cute with that mohawk!

  11. We called my guy Bam Bam also. He's 2. He was actually Bam Bam for Halloween this year I even made the Flintstone car.

  12. Sue

    Such a cute face! Love the Mohawk!

  13. So, so, so cute. Thanks for the comment on my doggies. Our big dog, Riley, is really a big old cupcake, too, and he's 11 years old. The little one, Lucy, is only 4 and she rules the roost. Isn't that just like a little dog?!

  14. So cute…. I dont think you can ever have too many baby pics. Have a great day!

  15. That's a very beautiful baby. He wears the best-looking Mohawk that I have ever seen.

  16. my younger daughter had a mohawk for about 6 months. It is funny looking on a little girl. Bear is absolutely adorable.

  17. He's adorable! It's a good look for him. 😉

  18. Amy

    Such a cutie!

    Amy @ Missional Mama

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