What Should You Avoid Feeding Your Cat?

Grain free cat food has become increasingly popular over the past few years due to recent developments in the nutritional needs of cats. Many veterinarians believe that a grain-free diet for cats is best because they’re much more carnivorous and high quality foods containing protein instead of grain-based carbs more closely resemble their normal diet.

grain free cat food

But is this type of diet right for your cat’s health? Here are the pros and cons of using grains and their sources:

* Grain free, or no grains at all, can be very hard on cats. Because cats have such high metabolic rates, it can take a long time for them to break down their food and absorb nutrients. Since grains are dense with calories, even if your cat eats them every day, it will be necessary to give him a good amount of extra cat food to help him digest his meals more fully.

* Another problem is that grains are not good sources of protein for cats. You can easily get enough protein from animal sources (such as meat, fish, eggs, etc.)

* Even though most of these diets have some protein, a lot of them do not contain enough. Many experts believe this is caused by a lack of high quality meats. In addition, most grain-free diets also contain a lot of carbohydrates, which cats do not need. Cats cannot digest carbohydrates and their digestive systems can’t efficiently process them, so they end up getting fat instead of healthy.

* Many cats don’t even seem to notice that their food is grain-free. While most people may notice some slight changes in the appearance of their pet’s poop, your kitty may not care. If you have noticed that your kitty has been acting unusually lethargic or is having problems sleeping, it may be that he’s eating too much grain-free cat food.

* The main downside to a grain-free cat food diet is that it can be expensive. Since there aren’t any carbohydrates in it, your vet may suggest adding a lot of extra vitamins and minerals, which can quickly add up.

* Grain-free cat food is not as good for other pets, like humans. Since cats don’t get the same nutrients that humans do, they can easily develop vitamin deficiencies if they don’t get enough of certain important substances. Your veterinarian can recommend different foods that contain these vitamins in order to ensure your pet’s well-being. Even if your kitty is fed grain-free, he may still benefit from other sources of protein and carbohydrates, such as meats.

* There is no substitute for fresh fruits and vegetables. Your cat will probably benefit from a high-quality, whole foods diet with plenty of leafy greens and a little bit of protein.

* While some people think whole grain products are expensive, they are actually quite affordable. A high-quality pet food should contain at least three grams of fiber per serving. Some people think that only commercial brands should contain fiber, but this is actually not true. Even pet food with artificial fiber may contain less fiber than you’d find in a whole grain version.

* Grain-free foods will make your cat very tired. If you are feeding your cat a grain-free diet, make sure you keep in close contact with him.

* If you want to give your cat a treat, consider getting him one that has wheat or corn in it. He will eat those more than he will any other type of grain. As long as the treat has at least two grams of fiber in it, he won’t really mind this.

Cat food diets are great for cats, but they aren’t necessary for them to be healthy. Cats just need the right kinds of proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. If they can get them from animal sources, they can do fine on a grain-free diet.

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