Trichotillomania Treatment – What is the Most Effective Technique?

Trichotillomania therapy is a popular method used for treating this condition. Trichotillomania sufferers can benefit from various therapies, depending upon the severity of their symptoms. Therapies that are most often used for this condition are psychotherapy (CBT), hypnotherapy, and behavioral therapy. Based on the particular treatment method and the underlying cause of trichotillomania, therapy may uncover the triggers for compulsive hair pulling and therefore identify methods to permanently end this condition. Top trichotillomania treatment options include:

trichotillomania treatment

Treatments for trichotillomania may utilize medications or herbal remedies. Stimulant medications such as Ritalin have been known to help those with this condition by enabling them to function more effectively in social situations. While these medications can be effective, they often come with a myriad of uncomfortable side effects. As many trichotillomania sufferers become addicted to these medications, they may develop severe psychological disorders as a result. If this is your goal, you may want to consider a different route to achieving success.

Hypnotherapy is a good trichotillomania treatment option because it addresses the psychological root of this disorder. Because trichotillomania causes a person to have overwhelming urges to pull hair out, the root of this behavior must be addressed in order for the patient to gain control over their urges. This is accomplished through the subconscious mind. This technique uses recordings of relaxing music or voice signals that are associated with sleep, deep relaxation, or any other state in which a person’s mind and body relax.

Another option for trichotillomania treatment is through the use of medication. Commonly used are antidepressants that target the chemical serotonin. These medications are usually only effective for short periods of time. There are also those that attempt to stop the chemical from re-entering the brain through action on the frontal cortex. However, this form of therapy has also shown limited success with patients. Stimulant based medications do work for some, however they often come with side effects that make living with this condition a challenge.

While medications are commonly used as a trichotillomania treatment, there are also those who prefer a more natural approach. Treatments that address this condition from a psychological standpoint tend to be much more effective at curing individuals of this condition completely. These techniques generally seek to find the underlying causes of the individual’s inability to control their excessive hair pulling urges. Once the triggers are identified and eliminated, sufferers are then taught the cognitive and behavioral changes needed to curb their urges and ultimately prevent them from happening.

Cognitive therapy is one such trichotillomania treatment that addresses this condition. This particular therapy seeks to help the patient learn new ways of thinking and behaving when it comes to their hair pulling behavior. In this way, they learn to recognize when their hair-pulling habit is appropriate and when it is not. Once this is learned, patients learn to curb their tendencies to pull out hair by using various counter-triggers such as muscle relaxation exercises, muscle focusing and eye movements. Many have found these techniques to be extremely helpful in treating their hair pulling disorder. They no longer feel the urge to pull their hair; instead, they find that they can let go of their hair whenever they choose.

The most recent type of trichotillomania treatment that is used to treat this condition is called “behavioral replacement”. With this particular form of therapy, sufferers actually gain the ability to control their impulse control disorder through the use of an implanted electrode. Since this technique uses no medications and relies on the power of positive thinking, it has been found to be very effective at combating this disorder. Those who have found this to be the most effective of all trichotillomania treatment techniques have testified to the fact that they no longer have an uncontrollable urge to pull their hair whenever they want.

If you or someone you know exhibits trichotillomania symptoms, it is important to seek medical help. Medical attention is often the best trichotillomania treatment available. Since this condition is often a symptom of other psychological issues, it is important to rule out any personal or psychological problems before beginning therapy. However, those who do suffer from trichotillomania symptoms should definitely seek help in order to reduce their embarrassing behavior and eventually put an end to this disorder for good. The sooner that these people receive help, the better their chances for a life free from trichotillomania symptoms.

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