Title This

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Like a majority of my posts here I am going to have to come up with a title after I am done writing.  I might just call it, “Bla, Bla,” or “Title This” to get some suggestions.  What do you think?

As I am writing this I realize that I don’t have any good or new photos from my phone to add. Maybe I should just post random family photos from the past few months. I know I have quite a few saved on this computer.

Here’s a few good ones.

Yesterday I spent all day researching and writing an article on The Healthy Moms Magazine about food labels and how they are misleading.  (You can read it HERE.) I came up with the idea about a year ago when I was hosting a twitter party.  One of the questions I asked at the twitter party was “What is your child’s favorite healthy snack?” An attendee answered, “Lunchables.” I was appalled and totally shocked at her answer.

That is when I realized that companies are misleading Americans. And I wondered how many other foods marketed to kids are claiming to be healthy when in fact they are not.  I pondered this thought for a year and finally dove into it yesterday.

Over the weekend when Chris and I were grocery shopping we picked five popular foods marketed to kids with labels on the front that said things like, “Good Source of Calcium and Iron,” “100% Vitamin C,” etc.  Most busy parents will not bother to take the time to read what is on the back. If they do they might not know what to look for in the food labels.  I really hope that my article will make an impact and help a lot of families.  I spent a great deal of time researching and writing it. I believe that post is the best one that I have ever written in my six years blogging.

This morning my mother called me just as I was taking Monkey to school. In fact I was at the school signing in the guest list at the office.  Preschoolers have to be brought into the school and walked to their classroom in the morning.  Every visitor, even if you are dropping your kid off has to sign in at the office.

I always enjoy talking on the phone with my mother, but this was a very inconvenient time for me.  My parents are on their way to Florida today and they are driving down there from their home in Wisconsin. My mother loves to call her kids when she is on a road trip. So I was a polite daughter and kept her on the phone while I took Monkey to his classroom.

She told me that her Aunt is in the hospital.  She is the last blood relative that my mother has left in that generation.  This Aunt never married and lived alone for as long as I can remember.  My mother said that her health is improving but she is depressed and wants to give up. My mother also said that I should call her while she is in the hospital.

The only times I ever talk to my Great Aunt is at family gatherings and I don’t recall when the last one was that she attended.  I am nervous and anxious about calling her.  What will I say? What should I say?  I know calling her would brighten her day, but I need to have the courage to do it first.

I don’t enjoy making phone calls either. Over the past 10 years or so I have been accustomed to using e mail and facebook to communicate.  Online is so much easier for me than talking. My thoughts come out so much better when typed than when said out loud.  I think I just need some prayers for courage so I can call my Great Aunt.

Do you prefer talking on the phone or communicating online?
What would you title this post?

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