Still Waiting for Spring

I don’t like cold weather. In fact, I think I’ve complained about the cold all my life. Growing up in Wisconsin you think that I would be used to it by now, but I guess I never did get used to the cold. I was spoiled for the two years that I lived in California. But the nice weather was one of the very few things I liked about living in the Golden State.

Up here in the Inland Northwest we’ve had unusually cold temperatures. The weather forecasters have said that the temps are about 10 degrees cooler than normal. Since this is my first year living here I’ve been cold and complaining about it. I don’t know what to compare it too.

But we were spoiled this weekend and the temperature rose into the sixties. We enjoyed the nice sunny weather and took the kids to a couple of parks. I was also lazy with my Saturday chores. I think I only got half of them done.

This week they are predicting cooler temperatures into the fifties again and rain and the possibility of more snow. Snow in May?! Now that is ridiculous. I sure hope that we don’t get any more snow!

So now I am starting another Monday morning in The Talbert Zoo. The other Zoo keeper left early this morning for Denver so it is just me and the five kiddos. I am prepared for long days putting up with crying babies, impatient preschoolers and one whiney teenager. That is what usually happens when he is out of town. This will be the longest time he’s been away since we’ve moved out here.

It is time for me to don my Supermom costume and try my best at making this a great week. On the agenda while my husband is away is this: haircuts for Parrot and Monkey, karate on Tuesday and Thursday for Goose, and kitty wants to do some Kindergarten stuff at home. Hopefully I will be able to squeeze in a workout with Jillian or a nice relaxing bath this week.

If we don’t get the crappy weather that is predicted, then I think it will end up alright. Maybe my yellow fingernails will bring on spring a lot sooner. If not, they sure are pretty, right?

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One Thought to “Still Waiting for Spring”

  1. Good luck with the weather. I actually enjoy being home alone with the kids. Somehow it makes things easier in the Small Town.

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