Saint Stories For Kids

Catholic saints for kids

Saint Stories For Kids

If you’re looking for some interesting stories about Catholic saints, look no further than the books by Martin H. Greenberg. He’s published books on famous saints, and even some more obscure ones, and he has published a number of kids’ books about them.

In his new book on Saints for Kids, Martin Greenberg takes a look at the lives of some of the more fascinating of these saints, as well as a number of more obscure ones. The rest of his books are about historical figures or inspiring literature and art.

The set of seven saints to be featured in the book is chosen as being highly relevant to kids. However, one must remember that any particular saint might not be suitable for young children.

There are St. Francis, Saint Teresa of Avila, St. Lucy, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Junipero Serra, St. Jerome, and St. Clare. They are drawn to this book for different reasons, and all have had their place in history.

St. Francis is known as the patron saint of the elderly. When he died, he was just over eighty years old. He spent most of his life in prayer and trying to make all of the sick and dying in his area feel better.

St. Teresa is another of the other twelve Cardinals of the Catholic Church. The book portrays her as being very compassionate and kind, as well as an expert in the healing arts. She was a renowned healer and would often lead groups of people from different locations into a chapel, and hold out their hands to receive healing from God.

St. Vincent de Paul was a priest who spent a lot of time helping the poor. One day, he visited a farm where a baby had died. The family promised to pay him two coins if he helped, and he agreed.

St. Clare is another of the saints, who often went on missions. She was a famous nun and once wandered the shores of Ireland. This included her leading a group of refugees to safety.

St. Jerome, also known as St. Boniface, is another famous saint. He was once a translator and was later called upon to serve in a bishopric. He helped many people and is remembered as being so polite, and well spoken, that most people did not dare utter a bad word about him.

St. Junipero Serra is yet another of the saints. This saint is the founder of a university and helped bring peace to a lot of people. He was a teacher and a scholar, and played a large role in the rise of the modern Catholic Church.

All these saints have had a huge impact on their time, and were truly saints of the Church. All of them have been honored with many statues, icons, and places of worship.

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