Autism Behavior Checklist

The Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC) is a tool that describes the non-adaptive behaviors that an individual with autism exhibits. It reflects the challenges that this individual has in responding appropriately to daily life situations. Its goal is to facilitate communication between parents, doctors, and mental health practitioners who are working to understand autism. While the ABC does not provide a diagnosis, it is intended to aid in discussion and evaluation. There are several factors to consider when using the ABC. Among the many ways to test the child’s behaviors is…

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How To Avoid Meltdowns During Holiday Travel

How To Avoid Meltdowns During Holiday Travel

As the holidays come crawling around the corner, making the proper family plans is inevitable. You must take gift-giving, travel time, and overall mood into consideration. When you make travel plans with your family, it can become stressful. However, it can become particularly challenging with having to travel with a child that has special needs. So you must take the necessary precautions and make them feel safe and content. How do you go about this? Thankfully, here are some tips for how to avoid meltdowns during holiday travel. You’ll become…

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Trichotillomania Eyebrows: Treatments

Trichotillomania Eyebrows: Treatments For many years, the only treatment for trichotillomania was medication. Antidepressants are very effective at stopping hair pulling and other compulsions to pull hair out. Unfortunately, they can have some unpleasant side effects. In fact, many people who take medications for this condition find that their condition improves but the side effects remain. Another problem with medication is that it can become habit forming. Medication will often stop working after a certain period of use. Once you stop taking the medication, you may find that you begin…

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What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

The symptoms of autism spectrum disorder typically begin at around the age of 2. Autism spectrum disorder may lead to significant behavioral, communication, and social problems, but those problems don’t happen until much later in an individual’s lifetime. The key to working to identify the symptoms is to first learn as much about autism spectrum disorder as possible. Some individuals with autism spectrum disorder have been diagnosed at an earlier age, even as young as two or three years. Other children and young adults with autism may be misdiagnosed as…

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Suicide Rates Among Teens Are On the Rise

It’s interesting to look at the rate of teen suicide rates in America. In most states across the country, there is an increase in the number of suicides for boys between the ages of 10 and fourteen years old. What exactly is behind this? Is there something more sinister going on? Well, let’s take a look. The suicide rates for both boys and girls have increased for several reasons. One of the biggest contributing factors, perhaps, is that there is now a growing number of kids living with some form…

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Cat Nail Clippers: Useful Tools For Your Pet’s Health

Cat Nail Clippers: Useful Tools For Your Pet’s Health It is possible to learn the art of cat nail trimming. But, like learning any new skill, it takes a little time and patience. Here are some basic steps to nail trimming that you should follow: The first is the quick pinch. When you trim your cat’s nails, it is done by “pinching” them with your finger. When and if you accidentally cut the quick, the cat nail cutting will cause pain and bleeding for your cat. While the bleeding might…

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Who Is a Child With Special Needs?

Who Is a Child With Special Needs? Who is a child with special needs? It is an important question to ask, especially considering that there are many children who have special needs. These children are more likely than other children to be diagnosed with a learning disability or an impairment in physical abilities. These children are more likely to be prescribed stimulant based medications. These medications can be very harmful to the health of these children. In order for the parent of a child with special needs to do what…

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Exotic Cat Breeds

Exotic Cat Breeds There are many different types of cat breeds, which are sometimes difficult to sort out from the misleading data that is often available in books and on the Internet. Cat breeders are very knowledgeable about their particular cats and what each breed represents in the way of traditional physical appearance, temperament and behavior. They also know about pedigrees and the various distinctions between various breeds that allow for different usage in various situations. Unfortunately many uninformed people will pick up an informative book on cat breeds and,…

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How to Set Up a Business and Make Cats Suffer at Your Own Pet Sitting Service

For those unfamiliar with the term, cat sitting is the act of taking care of a cat for a certain period of time. Typically this is done at someone else’s house, but can also happen at a pet sitting location of service or business. While there are some people who work exclusively as pet sitters, there are others who work at an agency that hires them and others who work on an as-needed basis. Sitters will often receive a specific schedule and may be asked to pick up and drop…

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Trichotillomania Eyelashes

Trichotillomania is a condition of compulsive hair pulling. It can be an emotionally or physically addictive disorder. Some people experience only occasional episodes of trichotillomania while others experience it all day, every day. Trichotillomania sufferers are usually “infected” with the condition for some time before they are able to overcome it. When someone starts to go through trichotillomania it usually results in a bout of hair pulling that does not fade over time. There are cognitive therapy, medication and different therapies that have been used to treat this condition. Trichotillomania…

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