Cicadas – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday

This time of year the cicadas are out buzzing in the tree tops. Cecadas are large insects that are known for the loud calls of the males or the buzzing sound. They come out late in the summer here in the Mid West to mate. They also molt and shed their outer shell. Over the weekend, Monkey found 50 cicada shells in Grandpa’s yard. I had him and his brother pose to show them off. This is a live cicada. You have to look closely because he is camouflaged and…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – Nature Walk

 Wordless Wednesday is live on and Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post. Last week we went on a nature walk along a path that runs alongside a creek. We talked about the wild flowers, berries and wildlife that we saw along the way. I also snapped a few photos of the kids. Do you go on walks with your family? red winged back bird wild grapes wild blackberries looking for caterpillars on a milkweed plant If you are participating in Wordless Wednesday scroll down and leave your…

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#WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday – One Week Old

 Wordless Wednesday is live on and Link up to your Wordless Wednesday post.Over the past couple of weeks we watched Momma Robin sit on her nest and wait for her eggs to hatch. Then feed the newborn babies every day. Today the tiny birds are not so tiny anymore and are one week old.  There are three birds in the nest and one of them looks like he could jump out and fly away any day now. Observing the robin’s nest has been a wonderful learning experience for…

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Science with Parrot – The Candle and Water Experiment

On Saturday just as I was about to pick out a science experiment for Parrot and I to do in his First Encyclopedia of Science book, my mother called.  While I was on the phone, Chris took over and decided to do an experiment that he remembered from his childhood.  I managed to capture the whole thing on video. The Candle and Water Experiment What you will need: A tea-light candlematches (for adult use only)a platea cupwaterfood coloring (optional) Watch the video and see what happens to the water once…

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Science with Parrot – Observing

One of Parrot’s special interests is science. His biggest ambition is to become a scientist who studies everything. Parrot is constantly reading and learning every single day and he has an ever growing collection of science books for kids. Today I am starting a new feature on The Talbert Zoo, titled “Science with Parrot.”  I promised my little boy that I would do more science experiments with him. So I will follow through and do an experiment on the weekends with him and write about it every Monday. The kids…

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