A Bitter Sweet Goodbye

Yesterday was the last day of school.  For my younger kids it was time to say goodbye to the brand new school which they were excited about attending back in September. For my oldest it was time to say goodbye to the friendships that took her three years to build. I remember the first day of school just like it was yesterday.  Back then we had no idea that by June we would be planning on moving.  Snowdon Elementary was opening it’s doors for the first time.  The building was…

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Is it June Already?

I can not believe that it is June already.  May was so busy that if I blinked I would have missed it.  Here we are welcoming a new month, a new season, and new possibilities for the Talbert Zoo.  Last week I took a couple of days off of blogging.  I was ready to give up on all of my websites and just be a mother and wife. This decision was due to the fact that we learned that there is a 99% chance that we will be moving to…

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Happy Birthday Goose!

Today is my oldest daughter’s birthday. I still can not believe that I am a mother of a seventeen-year-old.  I remember being that age just like it was yesterday. Seventeen was that fun, magical age when you are still a kid but excited about becoming an adult.  For me it was a time to be a little rebellious, and attempt to be an independent woman that I was to become.   Seventeen was also very stressful. I remember working my butt off in my high-school classes and applying to college…

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October Catch Up at The Zoo

This month I’ve let my Talbert Zoo readers down and I apologize. It’s been a few weeks since I last updated this blog.  October is nearly over and I still am not used to my family’s school schedule yet.  It’s been a busy, crazy couple of months. I’ll try my best to catch you all up on the happenings at The Talbert Zoo. Monkey and Bear October 2013 Goose is now a junior in high-school and sometimes I can not believe that she is that old.  School has been tough…

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Goose says that I don’t write enough about her on this blog. So this post is dedicated to my beautiful teenage daughter, Goose. I promise I will not say anything about the other children. As I am writing this little Bear is whining and kicking my chair.  Oh I forgot I promised not to mention the other kids.  Next week Goose will finish 10th grade at the local public high school.  This year was challenging for her socially and academically but all in all I am proud of my daughter’s…

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Are Goose and Kitty Really Best Friends?

Kitty is growing up and sometimes I wonder if Goose ever will. A few days ago we were outside for a walk and when we got closer to home Kitty saw three little girls her age playing outside with a pink motorized Barbie car. Like a typical five-year-old girl, she got excited and wanted to join in the fun. The co-zookeeper and I let her run off and play with the other girls. We just told her to stay close to home. Now if Kitty sees those girls outside she…

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Are all Teens Drama Queens?

Goose turned fourteen yesterday. I feel so old when I think about being a mother of a teenager, but then I remember that I was just a teen when she was born and then I don’t feel as old. Goose loves to sing. She is in choir and she sings and dances to Broadway musicals with her sister. All weekend she was complaining about having a scratchy thought. She said that she wasn’t able to sing high notes anymore. “I used to have a beautiful soprano voice,” complained Goose, “But…

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Get to Know Goose

I haven’t talked too much about my wonderful teenage daughter whom we have nicknamed, Goose yet. I suppose you are wondering why we call her “Goose.” She dislikes this title but I am sure once she understands the meaning she will grow to like it. Geese are majestic birds who tend to travel in groups and spend a lot of time protecting their young. The Goose is female, males are called ganders and their young, goslings. These birds are beautiful and caring. “Goose” is my beautiful and caring teenage daughter.…

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