Trichotillomania – Causes And Treatments

Trichotillomania or hair pulling disorder is a difficult to treat condition that causes excessive and repeated pulling of one’s hair out. Hair pulling out can result in bald patches or even total baldness in some individuals. Many people who suffer from this condition have very high frustration levels and feel helpless about controlling this disorder. The fact is that anyone can suffer from this disorder, regardless of age, race, sex or personality. This condition occurs when individuals develop a habit of pulling one’s hair for no apparent reason. Hair pulling…

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A List of Saints and What They Protect

One of the most well known Christian prayers is that of the Ten Commandments. It is important to have a list of saints and what they protect in your life. A good list of saints can be found in almost every religion and is usually part of the prayer book. A list of saints can be a great way to express faith and also honor those that have gone before. They may be people that one has never met, but are still closely related to Jesus Christ. Some lists of…

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Getting A Quick diagnosis Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) For Parents And Children

What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? It is a growing problem both in the United States and around the world. It affects about one-fifth of school children in America, and one-quarter of youth in various countries. Inattention, hyperactivity, fidgeting and impulsiveness are common symptoms of ADHD. When a child has ADHD, they will exhibit the same behaviors more often than other children. ADHD is not a normal illness or disease. It is a developmental brain disorder. People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are unable to control their own thoughts…

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Learn the Facts on Autism Spectrum Disorder

Learn the Facts on Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a condition affecting the way a child perceives and relate to others, is a broad term encompassing a range of related conditions. Most individuals with ASDs have normal to above average intelligence and are generally capable of communicating with others. However, some with ASDs present profound impairment in social and communication skills. Those with ASDs usually exhibit different symptoms than typical children, including a significantly reduced number of friends or interactions with classmates, difficulty with transitions between tasks and…

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Catholic Saints For Kids

Catholic Saints for kids are a great way for kids to learn about the different religious stories that helped build our country. They also have religious significance to them that helps build their faith and moral character. Some of the most popular Catholic Saints include St. Valentine, St. Jude, and St. Croix. In the month of September, a special feast day is observed to honor these three Catholic saints. Each day of the week, on that special feast day, children can be given a candle, which represents the love of…

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Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms: What Are They?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a psychiatric disorder that makes it hard for a person to concentrate on a certain task or to stay focused for any length of time. If a person with ADHD has trouble staying focused, they often act like a machine and are highly irritable. They have trouble completing even the simplest tasks and tend to be distracted constantly. These symptoms may be confused with simple boredom or just a lack of concentration, but no matter what the reason is, there is no doubt…

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Rosary Beads and the Rosary Necklace

The Rosary is the name given to the particular prayer instrument made famous by Blessed John the Baptist, who is the most popular figure associated with the Rosary. The Holy Rosary or simply the Rosary refers to a group of prayer beads or knots used to signify the integral part of each part of the Christian religion, and for many people the most important item in this religion. These religious items are known as the “Rosary Keys” because they are the only item that has the keys to the full…

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Catholic Saints Info – A Great Way To Be Informed

Today I have an article that comes from an Internet article directory. Good day, or a bad day? It is Catholic Saints Information, or lack thereof. I am the Catholic Homosexual, so this is Catholic Saints Information, or lack thereof. I am the Amateur Homosexual, and today I am going to do an impersonation of Pope Benedict XVI on Holy Friday. During his week long general meeting of October 1st, Pope Benedict XVI gave an impressive speech extolling the dignity of every human being. He spoke of the dignity of…

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Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

Attention deficit disorder in children can be difficult for a parent to detect. Often times, the symptoms are mistaken for normal childhood ADHD such as fidgeting, squirmy hands and hyperactivity. It is essential that you learn how to recognize the signs of attention deficit disorder in children. This will enable you to identify the need for intervention. When you know what to look for, you can help your child get the treatment he or she needs. Methylphenidate is an ADHD drug and is the most commonly prescribed medication for this…

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Trichotillomania OCD – Treating Trichotillomania

If you suffer from trichotillomania, you are probably quite unhappy about it. This condition is characterized by the irresistible urge to pull hair out of your head and pluck them out with your tweezers. This behavior can then result in bald patches on your head and the person suffering from this condition may become completely bald. For the people who suffer from this disorder, this condition can be incredibly embarrassing. In fact, many sufferers withdraw from society because they feel that everyone is looking at them. People with trichotillomania often…

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