Trichotillomania Eyelashes

Trichotillomania is a condition of compulsive hair pulling. It can be an emotionally or physically addictive disorder. Some people experience only occasional episodes of trichotillomania while others experience it all day, every day. Trichotillomania sufferers are usually “infected” with the condition for some time before they are able to overcome it. When someone starts to go through trichotillomania it usually results in a bout of hair pulling that does not fade over time. There are cognitive therapy, medication and different therapies that have been used to treat this condition. Trichotillomania…

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Trichotillomania And Dermatillomania – Is There a Cure?

Trichotillomania – also known as Dermatillomania – is a behavioral pattern where an individual is obsessed with pulling out his own hair. Trichotillomania can manifest in various forms like being compulsive (e.g. constantly pulling out one’s hair), occasionally due to stress/anxiety or chronically (e.g. resulting from a chronic medical condition or brain chemical imbalance). On the other hand, Dermatillomania is basically the same behavioral pattern, but applies to the psychological/behavioral aspect. In fact, the term “dermatillomania” is based on the fact that many people who suffer from this kind of…

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