Ways To Improve Interoception for Kids With Autism

Ways To Improve Interoception for Kids Tith Autism

Parents with children on the autism spectrum may relate to this scenario: you hear your child walk outside for a motion break only to realize they’re not wearing a coat in the middle of winter. When asked, they respond that they aren’t cold. The reason your child might not notice the cold is the same reason another child might not feel the need to eat or notice when they’ve hit their head. It may even contribute to a child with autism having a meltdown. It’s related to the idea of…

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Attention Deficit Disorder In Children

Attention deficit disorder in children can be difficult for a parent to detect. Often times, the symptoms are mistaken for normal childhood ADHD such as fidgeting, squirmy hands and hyperactivity. It is essential that you learn how to recognize the signs of attention deficit disorder in children. This will enable you to identify the need for intervention. When you know what to look for, you can help your child get the treatment he or she needs. Methylphenidate is an ADHD drug and is the most commonly prescribed medication for this…

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